Sunday, October 9, 2011

An A-Lister Who Loves Organic Tacos

Living in L.A. for more than a few years, I've run into a few celebrities. It happens, we all live in the same town. And I'm not talking about movie screenings with Q&A panels, those don't count. I'm talking about random run-ins in the produce section, hearing famous voices while buying fluffy towels, and spying one of my favorite musical artists at the best strip club in Los Angeles.

I don't get all star-struck about celebrities. They're just normal people who happen to have a lot more money than me. Kind of like all of my bosses. So, I try to make a point about not being an a-hole, and if I see anyone, I give myself one long look, take a satisfied breath of enjoyment at the surreal moment of someone larger than life all of a sudden being so much smaller than myself (literally, most celebrities are tiny), and then be on my way, letting them try to live their lives as normally as possible.

My first celebrity was a little lame. I'd been in L.A. for about a week and was scoping out towels at Bed Bath and Beyond when I heard a familiar voice around the corner. Who is that? I took a peep. Oh, it's just John Tesh. I was more embarrassed that I knew John Tesh's voice than excited about seeing him. I think it was from all of the gymnastics competitions I watched as a child.

My local Whole Foods has been a good spot. I've seen Wayne Knight (Seinfeld's Newman), Mario Lopez (he is very short, no taller than me) and Sarah Chalke (who is very thin and pretty without a drop of makeup).

At Trader Joe's there was a very tall man in front of me in line. He looked average with a hint of creepiness, and, oddly, familiar. He smiled with unbleached teeth, and just when I started to doubt my celebrity radar, he started chatting with the cashier about how Rainn Wilson gave him his hat. Ah, it was Creed from The Office. Also at Trader Joe's, I've seen Kevin McKidd loading groceries into his car with his parents. Adorable.

While serving jury duty, I was on my way to the courtroom when a very tall (at least 6'4") Jon Voight stepped into the crowded elevator. Even celebrities have to serve jury duty! This was right after he and daughter Angelina Jolie went through a very public falling out. There was that nervous hush that comes when everyone wants to ask the same thing all at the same time, but no one has the courage to.

When Conan O'Brien was being courted to take over Jay Leno's job, I saw him on the Universal Lot and I couldn't help but smile at him. And he smiled back and got into his completely unassuming car. I love you Conan!

One Sunday Hubs and I had a Glee day. We went hiking and passed Jane Lynch. She has great skin, beautiful. Then we went to brunch at Hugo's and saw Chris Colfer, who looks exactly like Kurt.

Also at Hugo's, I once sat at a table next to James Cromwell who was reading a script. Part of me still regrets not gushing to him how he played such a great bad guy in my favorite movie, L.A. Confidential. But I'm sure he appreciated that I let him eat his lunch and read in peace.

Perhaps my most unexpected sighting was at Jumbo's Clown Room, an awesomely divey faux strip club in Hollwood, where girls just wanna have fun while dancing in their underwear. It's a fun time for all (except if you're a dude expecting full on nudity, as was the case with one person at my table, and he did not stop whining about it all night). We were sitting up in the back (the place is small) and I recognized the swallow tattoo on P!nk's shoulder before I saw her face. She was sitting in the front row with her husband and it turned out to be her birthday. I love her music, her voice, and now I like her even more.

A couple years later, Hubs and I were walking into our favorite sushi restaurant when I saw a cute, short-haired blonde sitting outside waiting. It looked like P!nk, but there was no way this place would make P!nk wait for a table. I went and checked in. Sure enough, P!nk's name was on the waiting list. And now I love my sushi place even more because if you don't have a reservation, it doesn't matter who you are, you're going to have to wait.

As previously mentioned, Hugo's Restaurant is a celebrity goldmine, but, really, their taco stand across the street? Yes, yes, and yes. One day I walked over for lunch and a really scruffy Sam Trammell from True Blood was there. And as I moved over to pick up my food, Melissa Gilbert was seated at the nearest table. But last night, I had my favorite celebrity siting yet, courtesy of Hugo's Tacos.

As we crossed the street, we passed the pick-up window. I was yammering on about something pointless and as we stepped up to order, Hubs said vaguely, "Is that someone sitting there?" After a brief scan and seeing no one, he said, "Nevermind. I don't think so." As we started ordering, a number was called and Hubs nodded at the pick-up window. I looked over. A chiseled nose poked out as a tall figure in an enormous, black, down-filled coat pulled a hood over his head. Much like Jared Leto and his ridiculous trapper hat, it is never, ever cold enough in L.A. for a huge black snow coat. Unlike Jared Leto, this guy was clearly trying to hide. I stared at the hooded man. Is it him? I mean, why else would he be hiding in the giant hood? And then he turned, coming directly towards me, locking eyes as I stared at his face. Yes, it was him. And Ryan Gosling was looking back at me with his steely Ryan Gosling eyes, probably wishing I would die, because, really if you're going to wear a hood that big and people like me who usually make an effort not to gawk at celebrities was hard-core gawking, what hope does he have?

He drives a big SUV (disappointing) and his eyes weren't nearly as blue as I expected, but I think that can be blamed on the terrible Hugo's lighting. However, the good outweighs the bad. He actually looks better in person. Yeah, I know, how is that even possible? He looks younger than he does on screen. I don't know how old he is, but I would've guessed max 25. So...props for looking so young and healthy, as if he needs it.

I'm sure these aren't all the celebrities I've seen, but they're the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

Oh, and speaking of Ryan Gosling, I just saw Drive and I kind of loved it. Go see it.

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