Monday, July 8, 2013

Recent Celebrity Sitings

I've crossed paths with two up-and-comers and one classic beauty recently.

Most excitingly, Michael B. Jordan was eating at the taco stand near my apartment. No, it wasn't as exciting as when Ryan Gosling was there, but I think Michael B. Jordan is going to be a big deal after FRUITVALE STATION comes out. I mostly know him from TV shows I've caught a few episodes of, like FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS and PARENTHOOD (yes, I know, I should watch all of Jason Katims' shows), and is probably best known for his role in CHRONICLE. Anyways, he's young and talented and handsome and, apparently, likes tacos.

On our way walking to get some fro-yo, we were waiting to cross the street with none other than queen meanie Sadie Saxton from AWKWARD. If she wouldn't have been with a friend, I would have complimented her and the show, because I love them both so much. But maybe I wouldn't have, because I couldn't remember her real name for the life of me. Oh, and another thing I hate about Hollywood, she's supposed to be the "fat" girl on the show and she's considerably thinner than me when we're standing side by side. Sigh. Oh, and her real name is Molly Tarlov, and she looks like a Molly. Love her!

Finally, the classic. Jane Seymour was across the small restaurant at my birthday dinner at Alma. Hubs thought it was her when she walked in, I didn't see her. But he mentioned it later, and I could easily pick her out in the back corner of the room. Even from a distance, she was recognizable and stunning.

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